
Computational Social Scientist
I'm Javier, an assistant professor at Utrecht University in the Social Data Science (SoDa) team Before that, I was a postdoc at the University of Amsterdam and at Charles University (CORPTAX), and a data scientist at the Tax Justice Network. In my research I apply computational models to understand social and economical systems. I completed my PhD in Political Economy at the CORPNET group (University of Amsterdam), and my MSc in Computer Science at the Univerity of Vermont.
Research interests:
- (1) Computational social science: Social networks, polarization and inequality.
- (2) Political economy: Corporate networks, tax avoidance, corporate power.
- (3) Biological Complex Systems: Stochasticity in genetic networks and single-cell dynamics.
- (4) Data science: Web Scraping, machine learning, data visualization.
Publications and Research Overview
I'm planning to add a complete list of paper here, together with their data/code. For now check my Google Scholar page. You can always email me for requests about data, code, teaching or consultancy.
Academic Career
Assistant Professor in Social Data Science
Oct 2021 - Present
Utrecht University, the Netherlands
Computational modeling of social and behavioral systems.
PostDoc in Social Complexity
June 2021 - Oct 2021
University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Computational modeling of social and behavioral systems.
PostDoc in Economics
Jan 2021 - Oct 2021
Charles University, Prague, Czechia (Remote)
Modeling the scale and drivers of corporate tax avoidance.
PhD in Computational Political Economy
2015 – 2020
University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Computational modeling of the relationships between tax haves and corporations.
MSc in Computer Science
2013 – 2015
The University of Vermont, United States
Computational modelling of genetic networks and single-cell dynamics, and of social conflict.
BSc in Biotechnology
2007 – 2012
The University of León, Spain
Data Scientist at the Tax Justice Network
2019 – 2021
- Data visualizations.
- Workflow automation.
- Research on illicit financial flows.
2019 – Present
- The International Monetary Fund (IMF)
- The International Centre for Tax and Development (ICTD)
- SEO Amsterdam Economics
- The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
Click on the titles to access the materials
Applied data science and visualization (2022)
Data science in R for bachelor students in the applied data science minor.
Working with data (full course)
Introduction to data science with Python/Pandas/Seaborn for research master students of social science (2019, 2018 and 2017).
Web scraping workshop
Introduction to web scraping using Python, including basics of HTML, APIs, and the requests and selenium libraries (several venues).
String matching and database merging
Machine Learning to compare and join heterogeneous data from heterogeneous sources.
- Oct 10 '18: Visualizing inequality in the US: The top 3000 people own more than the middle class
- Nov 7 '17: Where does Apple pay taxes?
- Apr 29 '16: Towards a liquid democracy.
- Aug 8 '15: Why testing positive for a disease may not mean you are sick. Visualization of the Bayes Theorem and Conditional Probability [ENG].
- Aug 1 '15: Datos de la precarización del empleo en España (EPA 2015T2) [SPA].
- Jul 28 '15: Zonas a mejorar en Madrid: Análisis de las comunicaciones. [SPA].
- Jul 25 '15: Transporte público en Madrid. Análisis de zonas para vivir en alquiler. [SPA].
- Jul 13 '15: English, Spanish and Dutch “b”, “v”, “w” and “f” pronunciation. [ENG].
- Jul 5 '15: String Matching and Database Merging [ENG].
- May 7 '15: El giro pro-sistema en ELPAIS [SPA].
- Feb 25 '15: ¿Por qué las predicciones del tiempo fallan? [SPA].
- Dec 23 '14: Sentiment and Semantic Analysis of Facebook Chats [ENG].
- Dec 21 '14: Emigration Flux in Spain [SPA].
Get in touch
- Office: Utrecht University, Department of Methodology & Statistics, Heidelberglaan 8 3584 CS Utrecht, the Netherlands
- Email: j.garciabernardo (at) uu (dot) nl
- CV: PDF or Overleaf
- Github
- Google Scholar